"Consultation on: Draft Taxi and Private Hire Licencing Policy
Closing Date: 26th November 2021
It is a requirement that Councils regularly review and update policies to reflect changes in legislation, local circumstances and relevant safeguarding issues. A comprehensive review of Scarborough Borough Council’s Taxi and Private Hire Policy has now taken place resulting in a number of key changes and amendments.
We would welcome your comments on our proposals and in particular the key policy amendments by clicking here to complete the questionnaire by 26th November 2021.
Consultation on: Whitby Wayfinding Project
Closing Date: 25th October 2021
The current wayfinding finger post and map signs that are situated across the Town of Whitby are in need of replacement as they are both out of date, in a poor state of repair and not fit for purpose.
Scarborough Borough Council & North Yorkshire County Council along with members from the Town Team and other private and public sector representatives have been working with wayfinding specialist consultants Placemarque to carry out a review of the current signage and establish a proposed scheme which will make finding key landmarks and zones of the town much easier.
Funding to replace the signage has been made available through the Towns Deal programme
We are therefore now seeking views of residents and businesses on the proposed scheme and in particular views on the locations, zones, information and style of signage. You can provide your opinion and comments on the project by clicking here to complete the questionnaire by 25th october 2021.
Consultation on: Housing Strategy Consultation
Closing Date: 5th November 2021
The new strategy seeks to highlight the key housing related challenges the Borough faces within the context of North Yorkshire in the light of Local Government Reorganisation. It will also highlight our key achievements in meeting these challenges and set out the future vision and priorities for action.
The strategy reflects the priorities as set out within the Corporate Plan for 2020-2023 based on “Building a Better Borough” and the headline objective of “Better Homes”: A good quality home for all.
We are seeking the views of our residents, partners and stakeholders on our Housing Strategy, we welcome your comments and suggestions on the strategy by clicking here to complete the questionnaire by 5th November 2021.
Consultation on: Staithes Coastal Strategy
Closing Date: 31st January 2022
The Staithes Coastal Strategy Report aims to provide an up to date assessment of the risks to people and the built, natural and historic environment from sea flooding and coastal erosion between Redhouse Nab in the borough of Redcar and Cleveland and Thorndale Shaft in the borough of Scarborough on the east coast of England.
The River Tyne to Flamborough Head Shoreline Management Plan 2 (SMP2) was published in 2007, which covers the Staithes and Cowbar frontage. The aim of the SMP2 is to set high level flood and coastal risk management policy over 100 years, whilst Coastal Strategies look at options to deliver such policies over a similar period, with schemes designed and delivered subject to funding.
The Staithes Coastal Strategy will build upon the considerable previous work undertaken, most notably the SMP2 (2007), the Cowbar (Coast Protection & Cliff Stabilisation) Strategic Study (1999), a comprehensive suite of local monitoring, investigations and studies, and the Cell 1 Regional Coastal Monitoring Programme to deliver a coastal management strategy covering this frontage.
We would like you to think of the advantages and disadvantages of the options, in addition to any opportunities/constraints you can think of before the report is submitted to the Environment Agency for approval. You can provide your comments and suggestions on the strategy by clicking here to complete the questionnaire by 31st January 2022.
Please feel free to pass this email on to anyone else who you feel may be interested in commenting on any of the above consultation, such as members, customers, staff, partners etc.
Thank you very much for your help in advance.
Yours sincerely
The Consultation Team"
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